Monday, August 12, 2013

Show and Tell: My Recent Fabric Purchases

A few weeks ago I was in NYC for a fabric show. After a morning of meeting with a customer and eating a late lunch with a friend on a warm rainy day in July, I decided it was time to go fabric shopping! And where do people go in NYC to shop for fabric? Mood Fabrics of course! My first Mood (in-store) purchase was made this past February. I wrote about it here: My Trip To Mood. You would think I would not shop at other fabric stores, especially since I see so many different gorgeous fabrics everyday. But when I'm shopping for fabric at other stores, I only pick out items that I cannot find myself very easily. They have to be truly unique pieces that I know I will not find myself in the near future. 

For example, I had a silk knit print remnant I picked up at Fabric Mart about two years ago. (Sorry ladies, this one did not make it into the mystery bundles!) This silk knit was from the design room of Cynthia Steffe. There was only 1 yard left so I knew whatever I decided to do with it I would need more fabric. I wanted to finish up my study of knits (Skirt Obsession and Quick Study of Fabric Types Using the Same Pattern.) So I decided that I needed to look for a solid that would coordinate with this purple and magenta swirl print. I really wanted to find a deep purple silk knit. I dug through the entire silk knit section at Mood and did not find one :O( But I did find this bright pink/ fuchsia solid silk knit that matches one of the other colors perfectly. I also wanted the knit to be a little heavier because I am literally using this as the waistband. It was a perfect coordinate! I sewed up this skirt last weekend and will post pictures as soon as I get someone to take them!

My other two purchases were fun designer prints. Left: Anna Sui Cotton/rayon blend print. This fabric is so soft and has a challis-like weight. I would like to make a blouse from this, but I do not have a pattern in mind yet. Right: Oscar de la Renta Abstract Print. I LOVE the colors in this print. It is a woven silk/ wool suiting-type fabric. I bought just enough to make a skirt. I don't have a specific skirt pattern in mind, but am considering a pencil skirt. Before I cut into the gorgeous fabric, I'm definitely going to be making a muslin. I would hate to cut into this fabric and have it turn out badly. 

I can't help myself when I see gorgeous fabric! I wonder what I will buy next???